USRA NAMS provides NASA Ames with capabilities to fulfill mission requirements from fundamental research and development through field-test deployments and operational science missions, and collaborates with federal agencies, U.S. universities, and partners to advance scientific research and development in the fields of Artificial Intelligence; Data Science, particularly in the areas of Aviation Data Science and Environmental Data Science; Advanced Air Mobility, and Quantum Information Science.
USRA NAMS supports NASA’s Biosciences and Intelligent Robotics groups at NASA Ames Research Center to conduct fundamental research and development in biosciences and robotics.
USRA NAMS Data Science groups are using machine learning to enable computers and other automated systems to perform tasks that have historically required human cognition and human decision-making abilities.
USRA NAMS Advanced Air Mobility groups work closely with NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the aviation industry partners to enable development and testing of future aeronautics capabilities.
USRA NAMS Quantum Information Science group works to advance the industry and the body of knowledge in quantum information related sciences, and to continue to provide to its partners the most qualified technical support to address hard challenges in applied computer science.