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USRA's Environmental Data Sciences Proposal Selected for Internal Research and Development (IRAD) Award (FY 2021)

October 2020

USRA's Environmental Data Science proposal for developing federal workforce capacity while narrowing socioeconomic gaps was selected for FY 2021 USRA Internal Research and Development (IRAD) award. The team includes David Bell, Ph.D. (Director, NAMS USRA), Ata Akbari Asanjan, Ph.D. (Associate Scientist, NAMS USRA), Saba Hussain (Program Manager, NAMS USRA) and Milad Memarzadeh, Ph.D. (Senior Scientist, NAMS USRA). USRA’s Internal Research and Development (IRAD) funds are for early stage investments in technology and algorithm development, new mission concepts, and innovative university community engagement ideas consistent with USRA’s vision, mission and purpose. Fourteen proposals were received and peer reviewed by an internal panel of scientists, engineers, and senior program development reviewers.

Environmental Data Sciences proposal team Left to Right: David Bell, Ph.D. (Director, NAMS USRA), Ata Akbari Asanjan, Ph.D. (Associate Scientist, NAMS USRA), Milad Memarzadeh, Ph.D. (Senior Scientist, NAMS USRA), Saba Hussain (Program Manager, NAMS USRA)
Environmental Data Sciences proposal team: Left to Right: David Bell, Ph.D. (Director, NAMS USRA), Ata Akbari Asanjan, Ph.D. (Associate Scientist, NAMS USRA), Milad Memarzadeh, Ph.D. (Senior Scientist, NAMS USRA), Saba Hussain (Program Manager, NAMS USRA)