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Aeronautics: NAMS Staff Awarded Best of Track Papers for Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2023

September 2023

The 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) has announced that three NAMS staff have authored two papers that were judged to be the best paper in their session and the best paper across all sessions in their track for the conference. Congratulations to Alexandre Amblard (Senior Scientist, Data Sciences, USRA), Sarah Youlton (Engineer, Software, USRA), and Aida Sharif Rohani (Engineer, Software, USRA) for winning these awards. Their papers were placed within the top 10 papers at this year’s conference and are eligible for the award for best paper of the entire conference. The Best of Conference paper will be announced at the awards luncheon at the conference. DASC will be held October 1-5, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain, and provides a forum to discuss new ideas, research, development, and applications to inspire new work in the field of digital avionics and related areas. 

Best of Track Awards

Track: Air Traffic Management Machine Learning & Automation (ATM) Sub-track 1a
Authors: William J. Coupe, Alexandre Amblard (Senior Scientist, Data Sciences, USRA), Sarah Youlton (Engineer, Software, USRA), & Mathew Kistler
Paper: Machine Learning Airport Surface Model

Track: Air Traffic Management Machine Learning & Automation (ATM) Sub-track 1b
Authors: Aida Sharif Rohani (Engineer, Software, USRA), Tejas G. Puranik, & Krishna M. Kalyanam
Paper: Machine Learning Approach for Aircraft Performance Model Parameter Estimation for Trajectory Prediction Applications

See the other papers awarded: https://2023.dasconline.org/best-paper-awards

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